Condolences to Australians affected by Bushfires

Senator VAN (17:35): I too rise today to express my condolences on the tragic loss of life and devastation caused by the recent fires right across Australia but, particularly in my home state of Victoria.

In this place, I offer my heartfelt grief for all of those who have lost loved ones, friends, livelihoods and homes.

There is no doubt that the extensive nature of these fires has shocked the community. 

The size of areas burnt; the tragic loss of 34 lives; the extent of damage to property, whilst not unprecedented, has required the brave efforts of many to combat.

But despite being tested, or perhaps because of it, we have also seen an amazing response from Australians and also the international community at an operational response level, and also in rallying together to support affected communities in the areas impacted by fire.

Our emergency services support organisations, spontaneous community groups and Australian Defence Force service men and women have worked continuously since August responding to fires across Australia.

They have worked long and hard hours to respond to these enormous fires.

The generosity of the Australian people is amazing and in times of crisis like these, puts that generosity front and centre. Even today, community organisations continue to fundraise through local markets, sporting events, neighbourhood gatherings, BBQs and so on.

Volunteer organisations are also the beneficiaries of this very Australian response, not only through financial donations but also through an increased interest in people looking to join, and contribute their time and energy to various causes.

I was proud to spend time last week in East Gippsland with Blaze Aid. They are an amazing volunteer-based organisation that helps to rebuild the lost fences of our farmers, and this, helps them rebuild their lives.

Volunteering for Blaze Aid is an experience that utterly humbled me and I will continue to work with them.

Here we were in a little hamlet called Wairewa where 11 out of 30 homes were destroyed. The residents had lost so much and the volunteers I was with, had so much to give – every single one of them captured the Australian spirit.

True Australian characteristics of selflessness, resilience and courage abounded.

The stories of the farmers, who not only stood and defended their homes or, defended their neighbours’ homes, deeply moved me.  Their internal strength and optimism, to already be doing what it takes to rebuild, showed me their strength and resilience and gave me a sense of optimism for their future..

As the Parliament for all Australians, we place on record our thanks to all of those who provided donations, hours of volunteer work to supporting our fire devastated regions.

The generosity of giving, and the spirit in which it has been given, should inspire all Australians. As a country we will continue to face challenges, but it is clear that we will face them together, as a nation.

Turning to my home state of Victoria, four lives have been tragically lost and I express my condolences to their families.

We also thank the tireless work of many organisations in Victoria, who have assisted with the response and recovery effort. This includes the volunteers and career staff of our various emergency services, who continue to work tirelessly on fires around the State and support their interstate colleagues as well.

The efforts led by the Red Cross and Salvation Army have been ably supported by many spontaneous community groups including Blaze Aid that I mentioned earlier. They continue to assist individuals and the community to deal with the immediate effects of the fires and start the recovery process.

We also acknowledge the often forgotten roles that our local government, media and utility companies. They communicate  information to the public, making areas safe, and restore essential services as soon as possible.

As outlined by the Minister for Defence earlier and ably overseen by her, the work of the Australian Defence Force – both full time and 2nd Division reserve members – and international partners, have assisted the combat and recovery efforts of local authorities – not only in Victoria – but right across Australia.  

On behalf of all Victorians, I thank them for their dedication and efforts to protect life, property and our environment from the destruction of this summer.

But as we know; Australians are not unfamiliar with bushfire devastation and have gone through this terrible process in years past.  The Black Thursday fires in 1851; Black Friday in 1939; the ’central Australia fires’ in 1974 that burned 117 million hectares.

Myself, I remember all too well Ash Wednesday in 1983; and Black Saturday in 2009. Fire has tested the Australian community before.

In each of these, Australians have suffered significant personal and community losses and the stories of anguish and heartbreak are not dissimilar to the ones we are hearing now.

But, I am confident that Australians and Australia will come back from these fires. The bush will regenerate and regrow and people will mourn and then – with help – rebuild their lives, their homes, their businesses and their communities.

This is the time, that support and help from Governments is most critical to help people access the support they need.

Whether it be financial support; health and mental wellbeing services; rebuilding local businesses; providing critical infrastructure; or the encouragement of visitors back to regional Australia.

Governments at all levels will have a vital role in supporting the recovery efforts and ensuring that people are able to recover and move on from the devastating impact of these fires.

It is important to remember, that Governments need to do this in consultation and partnership with local communities. 

I very much encourage all members of this place and the wider community to visit regional holiday and tourist areas again – especially those in my home State such as Lakes Entrance, Mallacoota, Bright Omeo and the Alpine region.

Your support, business and spending will be vital in helping these communities to get back on their feet from this disaster. 

Can I also issue a call to action, to everyone in the community – especially the younger generation - to follow in the footsteps of previous generations and volunteer in their communities.  

Australia has been built on the back of volunteers and now, more than ever, I believe all that can, should consider becoming a volunteer. It doesn’t have to be fire related – just give of yourself what you can.

I would love to see the rates of volunteering double or more, as a show of respect for the sacrifices others have made in their service.

I feel proud that two of my staff volunteer in the Red Cross Emergency Services and the ACT Rural Fire Service. I thank them for their commitment and service during this fire season.

Finally, I again extend our condolences to all who have suffered destruction and loss as a result of these fires. Our thoughts are with you and your loved ones at this time and we will support you as best as we can to recover.

Thank you


2019 - 2020 Bushfires


Energy Crisis in Victoria