Electric Vehicle Charging

Imagine a Sunday drive that doesn't damage the planet and where every kilometre cleans the air instead of polluting it. Switching to electric vehicles is a powerful step towards cutting carbon emissions. For many, the dream of owning a car that's kinder to both their wallet and the environment feels out of reach, sometimes because of costs but, more often than not, because of range anxiety. By plugging in more EV chargers, we can turn this dream into a reality, making clean driving accessible and affordable for everyone. Think of our streets lined not just with trees but with opportunities—power poles utilised for kerbside charging, offering a convenient place for EV owners to charge and roll on.

We have the technology and the evidence. Ausgrid have trialled it, and Energy Networks Australia and L.E.K. Consulting have modelled it and reported on it. But the energy market operator, AEMO, hesitates, while the rest of the world charges on. The government needs to mandate distribution network service provider led rollout of kerbside public EV charging infrastructure. We need to switch up our regulatory framework and recognise EV charging as a distribution service. Limited charging options leave drivers hesitant to make the switch, stalling progress at the kerbside. Investing in a network of EV chargers empowers a wave of change that benefits everyone. We need to plug in more EV chargers and power up with clean, affordable and sustainable transport.



Cleaner and Reliable Power


Parliamentary Workplace Support Service