Merry Christmas 2021

Senator VAN (Victoria) (13:52): I'd like to end the year with a little bit of lightness and joy. As the year draws to a close and the 2021 sitting period comes to an end, I want to wish everyone a very merry Christmas. For the people in my home state of Victoria, 2021 and 2020 were very tough years, with Premier Andrews's constant lockdowns. However, as we come into summer holidays it's important to recognise that the future is looking bright. The Morrison government has done an amazing job over the COVID-19 period and now, with over 92 per cent of the population protected with a first dose, we have very much to look forward to. Travel is now back on the table for many of us. I hope many of you in your holidays have an opportunity to travel around Australia, supporting local businesses and seeing our great country, or to travel overseas.

It is my hope that over the summer period you get to spend some time with your loved ones and your family. If COVID-19 taught us anything, it is how important it is to spend time with our loved ones. Time is precious and every moment with them counts. I would like to be able to get to Western Australia and see my parents-in-law, as my father-in-law is not very well.

This year has been a divisive year for some, so I encourage us all to take time to reflect on how we are engaging with those around us and how we can all more positively influence people's lives. I wish everyone, particularly my colleagues here in the Senate, a healthy, happy and restful Christmas break. I look forward to seeing you here again next year.


Aid to Afghanistan


Senate Speech - mRNA Capability