Select Committee on Energy Planning and Regulation in Australia


On the 16th of September Senator Van, with the help from the Government and crossbench, launched a Senate inquiry into energy planning and regulation in Australia.

This inquiry is aimed to bring transparency and accountability into how the energy system is planned, and how it goes about decarbonising the grid as quickly as possible.

AEMO’s role is to manage the electricity and gas systems across Australia, by ensuring Australians have access to secure, reliable and affordable energy. This inquiry will be uncovering how consumers are able to get the best possible deal as we transition to an energy network of renewables.

For Senator’s Vans Individual goals on this Committee, see the Media Release below.

Senator Van’s Media Release

Go here.

Terms of

Go here.

Final Report Released

Go here.

Committee Membership

Chair Senator David Van | Independent, VIC

Deputy Chair Senator Karen Grogan | Australian Labor Party, SA


Senator the Hon Matthew Canavan |The Nationals, QLD

Senator the Hon Jonathan Duniam | Liberal Party of Australia, TAS

Senator Varun Ghosh | Australian Labor Party, WA

Senator David Pocock | Independent, ACT

Senator Larissa Waters | Australian Greens, QLD


The inquiry will be accepting submissions from the 18th of October 2024 with hearings taking place later in the year

Making a Submission

You can get involved in this committee inquiry by:

  • Writing to the committee

  • Attending a public hearing

If you’ve previously submitted an Inquiry and have a user account with the parliament you can log into that account and upload your submissions.


EPRA Hearing Day One



Professor Michael Brear & Dylan McConnell


Energy Networks Australia, Australian Energy Council, Nexa Advisory

Bruce Mountain, Mr Ted Woodley and Grattan Institute

Energy Advisory Panel (Including ACCC Commissioner) and Australian Energy Regular (AER)

Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)


Energy Consumers Australia

EPRA Hearing Day Three

HumeLink Alliance Incorporated, Regional Victoria Power Alliance, Australian Resources Development


Institute of Public Affairs, Geoff Bongers & Robert Barr

EPRA Hearing Day Two

EPRA Hearing Day Four

EPRA Hearing Day Five

Justice and Equity Centre, Penelope Crossley, Centre for Independent Studies, Nuclear for Climate, Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis, The Energy Hub, Independent Engineers, Scientists and Professionals, Engineers Australia, Renewables Panel, Clean Energy Investment Group

Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) and Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)