Protect Innocent Lives.

On 7 October we were confronted by the harrowing scenes from Israel of innocent civilians subjected to brutal attacks, tragic loss of lives and the profound degradation of human dignity. Over 200 hostages were abducted, including a three-year-old toddler and a woman who has since delivered her newborn in captivity. Over a month later these innocent people have not been released or provided humanitarian aid. Hamas have even denied access to Red Cross and other aid organisations. We cannot allow this to continue. We cannot let this happen again. We have said for 70 years never again, and it's happening again. Israel asserts its right to defend itself and is dismantling the Hamas human shields, labyrinth of tunnels and command-and-control centres beneath hospitals. These are crucial steps towards achieving a lasting peace. Those calling for a ceasefire should note that Israel has already unilaterally implemented a four-hour humanitarian ceasefire each day to allow vital aid to reach those in need and to enable refugees to effectively and safely evacuate. Israeli soldiers are risking their lives in these humanitarian corridors, assisting Gazan civilians to move away from the conflict zone. Hamas are not returning that favour. Again I say, never again.


Rewiring the Nation policy


Murray-Darling Basin